Legislative Watch
The Legislative Watch Team updates members of Indivisible-RISE, local political action groups and engaged citizens on the words, actions and votes of our elected officials as listed below. Our aim is to foster greater communication and transparency in government, which is beneficial to our leaders and their constituents.
Senator Pavel Payano, Democrat - 1st Essex
Senator Pavel Payano, Democrat - 1st Essex
- Pavel.Payano@masenate.gov, (617) 722-1604
- Office Hours: Phone (617) 722-1604 for more information.
Senator Bruce Tarr, Republican - 1st Essex and Middlesex
Senator Bruce Tarr, Republican - 1st Essex and Middlesex
- Bruce.Tarr@masenate.gov, (617) 722-1600
- Office Hours: Call 617-722-1600 to speak with a staff member to discuss any issue or schedule a meeting.
Representative Dawne Shand, Democrat - 1st Essex
Representative Dawne Shand, Democrat - 1st Essex
- Dawne.Shand@mahouse.gov, (617) 722-2000 x6317
- Office Hours: Call 617--722-2000 x6317.
Representative Kristin Kassner, Democrat - 2nd Essex
Representative Kristin Kassner, Democrat - 2nd Essex
- Kristin.Kassner@mahouse.gov, (617) 722-2000 x6324
- Office Hours: Call 617--722-2000 x6324.